Mark Errington, Owner
About Me
My journey into the world of locksmithing began with a spark of curiosity at the age of 13. Intrigued by an advertisement in Popular Mechanic magazine, I embarked on a path that would eventually lead me to become a master of my craft.
In the 9th grade, I experimented with the mechanics of locks by crafting a key for my school's hallway combination lock. It was a moment of revelation when my homemade key effortlessly unlocked the locker, granting me access to any student's belongings. However, I quickly recognized the ethical implications and refrained from further experimentation.
At 19, armed only with a small screwdriver and a carpet needle, I successfully picked a master lock, demonstrating an innate talent for the art of locksmithing. Embracing my passion, I sought formal education through correspondence courses with the Foley-Belsaw Company during a period of unemployment in 1992.
Upon completing my training, I equipped myself with the necessary tools and embarked on my first significant project: rekeying a 15-unit motel with a sophisticated master key system. This endeavor not only showcased my technical proficiency but also earned the satisfaction of a pleased client.
Networking proved pivotal in expanding my clientele, as a chance encounter with Marlee, the owner of a prominent local establishment, led to lucrative opportunities within the hospitality industry. Subsequent ventures included servicing Pete's businesses, including a motel and a convenience store, further solidifying my reputation as a reliable locksmith.
Despite my success, I remained driven to pursue higher education, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Video Communications with a minor in Computer Applications. This diversified skill set proved invaluable as I transitioned into a career at KVAL Ch 13 in Eugene, OR.
However, my entrepreneurial spirit ultimately led me back to locksmithing, as I joined Pop-A-Lock before eventually establishing my own enterprise, Mark's Locksmith. Juggling responsibilities as an apartment manager alongside my locksmithing endeavors demonstrated my versatility and dedication.
Now, after years of hard work and dedication, I find myself at a crossroads. The challenges posed by the Covid pandemic have prompted me to pivot towards a semi-retired lifestyle, focusing solely on providing automotive lockout services.
My journey as a locksmith has been marked by continuous learning, adaptability, and a commitment to excellence. While my focus may have shifted over the years, the foundation of integrity and expertise upon which Mark's Locksmith was built remains unwavering.